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  Project Year: 2020
  Completion Year: Proje Aşamasında
  Client: SML Seamless
  Land Area: 55.000 m²
  Construction Area: 32.000 m²
  Number of Residence Complex: 1
  Various Building Types: 1


     + Architectural Concept Design Project

     + Architectural Planning Application Project

     + Architectural Construction Project

     + System Projects & Details

     + Interdisciplinary Coordinations

     + Tender Documentations

     + Technical Specifications

     + Quantity Schedule Projects
     + BIM

SML Campus is a factory building project with a construction area of 32.000 m² and located on a 55.000 m² land area in Kırklareli Organized Industrial Zone.


The building, which contains different programs such as production facility, personnel building, showroom areas and administrative office sections, is designed as a single rectangular mass. The administrative and showroom sections have been partially protected and privatized from the production section with the inner courtyard created. The main purpose is using the interior courtyard by the building users during their breaks in their daily work routines. The inner courtyard where the building units have access to natural light and green has established a direct relationship with the circulation spaces in building plan solutions. In the interior design project, care was taken to preserve the industrial language of the building and to provide optimum comfort to the employees. In the building constructed with prefabricated reinforced concrete system as a structural system design, interior architectural design elements have also been selected in accordance with the keywords naturalness, rawness and unprocessedness that integrate with the brand identity. 


With the BIM system, which was integrated after the architectural concept design process in the project development process, the construction project and the system projects details of the whole project were developed with interdisciplinery coordinations. In addition to the construction project, technical specifications were checked and support for tender documentations and quantity scheduled projects was provided. At the same time, a multidisciplinary project coordination process was carried out and the application project was prepared.

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